"I felt the devotion to truth so strongly, that I made a deep commitment to myself...that I would be a scientist who explores the frontiers of what's possible. I promised myself that if I ever unearthed discoveries that revealed a new paradigm of understanding, that I would bring the research forward..." Sophia, from Life Beyond What I Know
When I began the risky adventure of living my entire life according to signs, synchronicities, dreams, and felt sense signals twenty years ago, I knew I would write how it all began as a book one day. Over the three years chronicled in my memoir, I recorded the poignant moments in my mind, etching them in like notes in a journal. It took me nearly fifteen years to digest it, six years to write it, and now twenty years after living it, it's ready to share.
It's a joy to welcome you into what I lived then since it laid the foundation for all I express through my intuitive gifts today.
Thank you for being on the journey with me... Sophia
It's a joy to welcome you into what I lived then since it laid the foundation for all I express through my intuitive gifts today.
Thank you for being on the journey with me... Sophia
Back of the Book Memoir Bio...
Dr. Sophia Trevenna was a mechanical engineer working in tech when her intuition called her to radically change her life. She relied on it to earn her PhD and become a professor, CEO, nonprofit director, and global leader in sustainability, all while learning to communicate with her Spirit Guides. Then, at age 46, she was gifted the name Sophia by a Council of Angels and became an Angelic Channel. She has transmitted healing and life and business strategies to over a hundred world-changing CEOs and directors in 25+ countries.
Longer bio...
Dr. Sophia Trevenna was a mechanical engineer working as a leader for one of the world’s largest corporations when her intuition called her to radically change her life as she approached her thirtieth birthday. She followed the signs to quit her secure job and continued learning how to follow dreams, synchronicities, visions, and intuitions. Over the next ten years, they led her to earn her Masters in sustainable urban planning and PhD in political science, specializing in business and the economy functioning as generative nature rather than exploitive machine at the University of Hawaii. She became a professor, author, CEO, non-profit director, co-working space owner, and social movement leader in sustainability. Her work earned national and global recognition as she spoke around the world, including keynoting at Harvard. Ultimately, she was named Social Entrepreneur of the Year and Sustainability Champion by College Educators International.
During this same decade, she was honing her ability to hear and follow higher Guidance from her Spirit Guides. Then, in her early 40s, she learned to receive accurate messages from other people’s personal Spirit Guides and Angels. Over the next few years, she was Guided to travel to specific places in over twenty-five countries to give readings to paradigm-shifting leaders while also experiencing profound spiritual lessons.
Mid-covid, at age 46, she spent forty days in a cabin in Northern California doing incredibly difficult and demanding spiritual work. This is when she wrote The Book of Inner Clarity and The Book of Sacred Intimacy. At the end of this journey, she was gifted the name Sophia by an awe-inspiring Council of Angels, calling themselves the Council of the Devoted. They shared that they were joining the Council of Harmonious Relating to bring wisdom in three areas over the next decade: bringing peace to human connections, evolving our societal systems, and awakening our latent human gifts. It took almost a year for Shanah to accept the name Sophia, but after much integration, it proved to feel wonderful to her, and she received it gratefully. The photo on the back of this book was a selfie taken after the final step of legally changing her first name.
She then did the very hard work of becoming an Angelic Channel able to receive detailed, structured strategies for global-level operations. She has channeled such strategies, along with transformative healing, for over a hundred world-changing CEOs, as well as Directors of the world’s largest organizations and companies in 25+ countries.
She currently travels globally, sharing her message of higher connection available to us all in the many ways she is Guided, plays scrabble online with her Grampa every day, talks to Wendy, her best friend of 35+ years, and enjoys the simple pleasures of the preciousness of life in every way she can.
During this same decade, she was honing her ability to hear and follow higher Guidance from her Spirit Guides. Then, in her early 40s, she learned to receive accurate messages from other people’s personal Spirit Guides and Angels. Over the next few years, she was Guided to travel to specific places in over twenty-five countries to give readings to paradigm-shifting leaders while also experiencing profound spiritual lessons.
Mid-covid, at age 46, she spent forty days in a cabin in Northern California doing incredibly difficult and demanding spiritual work. This is when she wrote The Book of Inner Clarity and The Book of Sacred Intimacy. At the end of this journey, she was gifted the name Sophia by an awe-inspiring Council of Angels, calling themselves the Council of the Devoted. They shared that they were joining the Council of Harmonious Relating to bring wisdom in three areas over the next decade: bringing peace to human connections, evolving our societal systems, and awakening our latent human gifts. It took almost a year for Shanah to accept the name Sophia, but after much integration, it proved to feel wonderful to her, and she received it gratefully. The photo on the back of this book was a selfie taken after the final step of legally changing her first name.
She then did the very hard work of becoming an Angelic Channel able to receive detailed, structured strategies for global-level operations. She has channeled such strategies, along with transformative healing, for over a hundred world-changing CEOs, as well as Directors of the world’s largest organizations and companies in 25+ countries.
She currently travels globally, sharing her message of higher connection available to us all in the many ways she is Guided, plays scrabble online with her Grampa every day, talks to Wendy, her best friend of 35+ years, and enjoys the simple pleasures of the preciousness of life in every way she can.